How to prepare Russian tea with tea bags

by Elena INSPIRE HEALTH May 04, 2021

How to prepare Russian tea with tea bags

Let me show you three simple ways to make Russian tea with a tea bag.

Russians have been drinking tea for about 380 years, and it’s one of the most popular beverages in the country. Drinking tea has a lot of meaning to Russian people, such as: 

  • connection to our cultural background (tea is mentioned in classic literature, art pieces and folk songs);
  • the social aspect (family members, friends, co-workers and even strangers enjoy bonding over cups of tea, whilst having meaningful conversation);
  • and also, tea is consumed for relaxation and comfort, as a way to reduce stress, to take a break from a busy day and get cozy).

Traditionally, tea was prepared from a loose black tea leaf concentrate called “zavarka”, and hot water from a large heated metal container called “samovar”. Every person could make tea in the concentration of their personal preference, just by varying the amount of tea concentrate and hot water in their cup.

In recent days, more and more people use tea bags for convenience, and they vary the tea concentration by choosing different cup sizes or trying different tea bag brand, since they are not all made the same way.

Let me show you three basic ways you can make tea Russian style with a tea bag. It takes a total of about 6 minutes to prepare your tea.

The First easy recipe, a black cup of tea. You will need one bag of black tea, 250 ml of water, and (optional) 1 teaspoon of sugar, honey or some other sweetener.

Boil water in a cattle or stovetop. Place a tea bag in a cup or a mug and pour the water in. Cover the mug, and steep tea for 2 to 3 minutes. Add sugar, or honey, or sweetener, if you wish, and mix. Enjoy your black tea!

Second easy recipe, the lemon tea. It’s great if you have a  cold or just want refreshing lemon flavour. You will need one bag of black tea, 250 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of sugar/honey or sweetener, 1 or 2 slices of lemon.

Prepare tea as described in the previous recipe. Add lemon slices, and enjoy your lemon tea!

Third way is black tea with milk. You will need one bag of black tea, 250 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of sugar/honey or sweetener, 2 tablespoons of whole milk.

Prepare tea according to recipe #1, again. Add warm milk, mix and enjoy!

Those are my three easy Russian tea recipes. If you are trying to improve your health, have your occasional tea unsweetened and avoid the junk food, such as cookies or chocolate, often served on the side. Instead, enjoy some low calorie snacks with your tea, like berries, fruit slices or rice cakes.


How does drinking tea improves your day?



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